Give To the Max 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

National Eagle Center
Fundraiser image


raised by 20 people

$25,000 goal

We are taking eagle education and experiences to new heights!

Back in 1999 when Bald Eagles were still an endangered species, we started sharing unforgettable educational experiences with people with simple programs and a single eagle. Today, we have a much larger National Eagle Center campus home to four Bald Eagles and filled with engaging and interactive exhibits, including the world-class American Eagle Gallery, home to the Preston Cook American Eagle Collection, and the Cultural Connection Gallery which educates about the Native Dakota People and their connection to the eagles and the land. Most important of all, Bald Eagles are no longer endangered, but thriving!

Our expert educators travel with the Eagle Ambassadors to schools, festivals, and nature centers across the Midwest. We host seasonal eagle-viewing field trips and river cruises, along with smaller, personalized Habitat Tours. We take guests behind the scenes to give them a first-hand look at how our Avian Care team cares for and trains the eagles. We are even able to bring the eagles to classrooms and events anywhere in the world with our online virtual programs!

How is all this possible? With the support of generous partners, members, and donors like you! YOU make our important mission possible and help the Eagle Ambassadors touch the lives of tens of thousands of people every year!

While Bald Eagles are no longer endangered, they do still face threats, and the lessons of their story of recovery from the brink of extinction are more important than ever!

We invite you to play a part in this mission and help us take eagle education to new heights by making a gift this Give to the Max Day!

This Give to the Max Day the eagles need your support. Your gift of $25, $50, or more will support the critical daily operations and care of the Eagle Ambassadors and the educational and life-changing experiences the National Eagle Center provides to people around the globe. 

We need to raise $25,000. Your generous gift supports the medical care and nutritional needs of the Eagle Ambassadors, allowing us to create enrichment activities so they can live out their lives in the healthiest, most secure, and supportive environment. It also enables us to have access to the very best veterinary care possible.

Having difficulty donating? Visit our website!

Please donate today and be sure to ask your friends and family to make a donation!

Golden Tickets are random chance drawings. Each gift you make during Give to the Max enters you to win money for the National Eagle Center!  $500 Golden Tickets will be awarded every 15 minutes all day long during Give to the Max Day on November 16!

Giving Activity



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