A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Southern Theater$1,640
raised by 17 people
$2,500 goal
We stand with our colleagues around the world in postponing all scheduled public gatherings in the interest of defeating the coronavirus that threatens our communities, our families and friends. We are distancing, though it doesn’t come naturally to us, as we are lovers of crowds, togetherness, closeness and intimate exchanges of ideas, and sharing air, feeling the effort of performers close at hand, relishing live breath and actual, physical warmth.
If you are a performing artist in the Twin Cities: our hearts are with you and we stand ready to serve. We know this is a nearly impossible time for everyone in the business of gathering people together to laugh and cry. We can’t wait to re-open our doors and share your vision with the world. In the meantime, we are here to help however we can.
If you are in a position to support the arts financially: please do it now. Without ticket revenue and companies in residence, we stand to fall far short of operating costs in the coming weeks and months.
We are in the same position as many venues. Our peers are theaters but also restaurants, bars and sports facilities. All the places where people come together to make cities great and where an army of people behind the scenes work to make the magic happen. Your donation today means we can continue to support artists as we all cope with a new reality. We will emerge strong because the artistic experience is essential to healing humanity.
Thank you for supporting the arts in your community. Thank you for being part of The Southern’s audience, performance community, and family.
Ochen, Rebekah, Seth, Dahlia, Rita