Scholarship Fund for MAS Programs

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Minnesota Academy of Science
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Ensure that all eligible Minnesota students can participate in Science Bowl and State Science Fair.


raised by 20 people

$2,500 goal

Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair (MSSEF) and Science Bowl are annual programs that ignite students to engage in STEM research.

Please help us  ensure that all Minnesota students have access to these important opportunities, regardless of income limitations. This year, we are hoping to raise funds for five teams from under-resourced schools to participate in Science Bowl in January and February of 2021. Additionally, we are hoping to provide funding for 20 Minnesota students to participate in MSSEF in March of 2021. We need your support!

Your gift will be matched through a donation from a MAS Board member up to our $2,500 fundraising goal!

Your gift of:

$50 provides half of a scholarship for a under-resourced Minnesota school to participate in Science Bowl or half of a scholarship for a Minnesota student to present their research in MSSEF (Your gift of $50 will be doubled to $100 through our matching grant, enabling you to provide a full scholarship!)

$100 provides a full scholarship for a under-resourced Minnesota school to participate in Science Bowl or a full scholarship for a Minnesota student to present their research in MSSEF (Your gift of $100 will be doubled to $200 through our matching grant, enabling you to provide two full scholarships!) 

If donations exceed the amount of scholarship applications, funds will be used for general Science Bowl and Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair program expenses.

Giving Activity


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