Minnesota Disability Law Center

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid

Make a gift to change a life.


raised by 0 people

$3,000 goal

Legal Aid's Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) makes a difference in the community because we change lives — helping people get the access to justice that we all want, and ensuring people have an opportunity to live independently and have an opportunity to contribute to making our society of better place to live.

We are representing vulnerable people in the communities we serve, as they face unprecedented challenges in meeting their basic health and safety needs. We are still fielding thousands of phone calls per month to our case intake lines from people desperately seeking legal help.

As the video above shows, after almost 6 years of litigation, we won a life-changing class action settlement requiring the MN Department of Human Services to take a variety of specific steps to improve access and opportunities for people with disabilities who want to live in their own homes or apartments. You can read the press release here.

We’re proud of the work we’ve been able to do to fight housing discrimination, access to health care, and so many other issues that disproportionately impact people with disabilities. However, we must turn away too many of our neighbors. 

Your Gift

  • Protects people with disabilities from abuse
  • Enables people with disabilities to receive the services they need to live and work in the community
  • Helps break down barrier for people with disabilities

Despite Legal Aid’s success, there is much more work to do, and we need your help. As we have done for over 100 years, we are making a difference in the communities we serve, but the fight for equal justice needs every one of us. Your gift is more important than ever. Every gift makes a difference.

Our Services

The Minnesota Disability Law Center (MDLC) serves as the protection and advocacy system in Minnesota for people with disabilities, and as such addresses the unique legal needs of children and adults with disabilities.

The Minnesota Disability Law Center:

  • Serves people of all ages and people with all types of disabilities
  • Provides free civil legal assistance to people with disabilities
  • Does not use income guidelines to determine eligibility for service

For more information on the Minnesota Disability Law Center and the people they serve, please go to www.mylegalaid.org.

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