Annual Fundraising Drive

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Johnson Memorial Health Services
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Your contribution makes a real difference in the lives of everyone who receives care at JMHS.

5 donors

raised $1,200

40 donor goal

5 months left

Dr. Paul Carlson, his team, 
and our first dental patient. 
Imagine the heartfelt relief of a Care Center Resident or Assisted Living Tenant who can now smile confidently and chew their favorite foods because of the dental care at their home. Think about the young child who experienced a life-saving moment in the emergency room thanks to state-of-the-art defibrillators funded by generous donations. The impact emergency communications software utilized facility-wide has when every second counts. Consider the dedicated nurse who, with the help of a scholarship, is acquiring the knowledge and skills to provide even better care for your loved ones in their time of need.

 Your support isn't just about making a financial contribution; it's about creating moments of hope, healing, and progress. It's about enabling healthcare professionals to continue their vital work and ensuring that our community has access to the best possible care.

 Your donation, no matter the size, carries the power to transform lives, bring smiles, and provide comfort to those who need it most. It's about making a difference in the lives of people just like you, your family, and your neighbors. Your generosity can be the driving force behind emotional stories of healing, so please consider making a donation to the JMHS Foundation and be a part of something truly impactful. Your support can turn dreams into realities and bring solace to those facing healthcare challenges.

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