Annual Fundraising Drive - Assisted Living Update
$225 Raised
Johnson Memorial Health Services Foundation is a tax-exempt, charitable organization that was formed to assist Johnson Memorial Health Services in meeting its goal of providing quality healthcare services to the 5,000 people residing in its service area.
Johnson Memorial Health Services, a not-for-profit healthcare facility consists of a hospital, care center, clinic, and ambulance service. Its primary service area covers the City of Dawson and seven townships: Baxter, Cerro Gordo, Hamlin, Lac qui Parle, Maxwell, Providence and Riverside.
The Foundation is a vital part of the Dawson area healthcare scene because healthcare services are not self-supporting, and the future of them is clouded by dependence on shrinking government reimbursements and an increasing number of patients unable to pay for services.
Rural healthcare's special challenges include a declining population and difficulty in attracting and retaining key healthcare professionals.
The JMHS Foundation uses gifts from generous contributors to meet a variety of facility needs through equipment purchase and replacement, building improvements and additions and the management of a perpetual endowment fund. Past projects building a new Care Center, Surgery Suite and purchasing vital equipment and items to improve care.
The JMHS Foundation also manages established scholarship funds which aid students to pursue careers in healthcare. Contributions to the Dr. Maus Dawson-Boyd Community Scholarship Fund are accepted by the Foundation.
Organization name
Johnson Memorial Health Services
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Children & Family , Community , Emergencies
1282 Walnut St