Doing the hard work! Marathons and Holiday PJs
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Mile in My ShoesHoliday cards, Christmas pjs, and Mile in My Shoes..What do they have in common? Read on to find out
raised by 29 people
$2,500 goal
I've shifted from running directly with a team to spending more time serving as a Board member. On the Board, I see how we spend our money and know how much the dollars we raise make a difference and effect hundreds of lives each year. For example, the lives of four alumni who achieved long-distance running goals and are advocating for themselves to live a life that feels authentic and healthy. So I need YOU to help me ensure MIMS can continue!
This year I've got incentives and competition to motivate and excite you!
If you donate $10, I'll send you a Trost Sheehey holiday card.
If you donate $35, you can vote on the Christmas pjs we wear on the holiday card.
If you donate $100, you can join me for a dinner party with food provided by our MIMS Executive Director, Carrie Miller.