Douglas County Historical Society: Give at Home MN

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Douglas County Historical Society
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Help us continue to preserve Douglas County's history by replacing fundraising lost due to COVID-19


raised by 17 people

$6,000 goal

If you enjoy or value the work we do at the Douglas County Historical Society, please consider supporting us financially at this time. 

Located in the historic Knute Nelson House in Alexandria, MN, we believe that local history is part of the foundation of our communities. The Douglas County Historical Society serves as an archive, genealogy resource, educational resource, general collector, and presenter of Douglas County's history. 

Like all nonprofits, we found this year to be a challenge.

Maintaining history is like maintaining a classic car or a work of art. There are niche costs to be able to do what we do, and to do it properly - archival needs, technology needs, insurance, building utilities & maintenance, etc.  - and these costs don't disappear during a pandemic.

And unfortunately, COVID-19 caused the postponement or cancellation of many of our other programs and events, causing a loss of much-needed fundraising. 

A large cost this year came when our HVAC system required replacing after 33 years of faithful use. While we currently work with MHS and Engan Associates Architects on a Historic Building Conditions Assessment for the Knute Nelson House, our largest artifact, we know that repairs and maintenance will soon be due for our 120+ year old building that currently houses DCHS.

We greatly value any support you are able to offer. 

Thank you for your time.

Giving Activity


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