Arrowhead Robotics Coalition (ARC)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Duluth Robotics, Inc.
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Supporting FIRST Robotics teams in the Arrowhead region of Northeastern Minnesota


raised by 6 people

$8,500 goal

10 months left

Update #1

Update posted 4 months ago
Yearly Costs          Description
 $2,520Storage Unit-because we have no facility where the field can be permanently set up
 $4,100Truck rental & fuel for transporting practice field to 8 or more schools
 $2,000Field Element construction materials for each year's new game
 $8,620Total annual cost to make the ARC practice field available for the students

FIRST Robotics is an extracurricular activity where students have the chance to work with skilled mentors and receive “hands-on” experience in engineering and problem solving.  It opens doors to new ways of thinking, opportunity for advancement, and a better understanding of future job opportunities.


Unlike other Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) sanctioned sports, schools do not have a dedicated field for their robotics team to practice. In the spring of 2020 the Arrowhead Robotics Coalition (ARC) secured a grant for a competition regulation playing field for students to practice their engineering designs and robot driving skills. Approximately 26 high school teams in the Arrowhead Region and surrounding area are allowed to use it free of charge. Our practice field allows regional teams to prepare for competition and optimize their robots in a way that no school in the region is able to provide individually.

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