Send a Kid to Camp Pepin
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Red Wing Family YMCADouble your dollar and make a BIG difference!
raised by 9 people
$18,000 goal
Greetings from your Red Wing Family YMCA,
Our mission happens everywhere at the Y. One of the places you'll see it in action is at the YMCA Camp Pepin. Last year we made the very difficult decision not to hold overnight camp. While we were able to pivot to rent cabins, summer lacked the laughter and fun that kids bring.
This summer at Camp we held four week of overnight camp and two weeks of day camp (this was a new program for Camp Pepin!) It has been a fantastic summer! Staff were happy to be back and campers had a fun time making new friends, playing lots of games, and enjoying all that Lake Pepin has to offer. We value the camp experience because it allows kids to challenge themselves in a safe environment to try new things. It also gets kids outside away from their screens. After a year of social distanced learning, Camp was a welcome experience for campers!
Pleas read and enjoy the following feedback from 2021 camper parents and guardians that demonstrates the benefit of the Camp Pepin experience...
My children are homebodies, and they both LOVED camp. They were so sad when it was over. What wonderful personable counselors! You're and exceptionally kind, patient, and tenacious group.
We are incredibly happy with how much confidence our daughter gained in just one week of camp. You guys continuously encourage campers to try new things even if they are scared to do so. She came home and jumped right in to help at home and with her younger cousins, something she has always done but her patience and way of working with them was better than it ever has been largely in part with skills that camp taught her about encouraging, working with and compromising that she learned while in both cabin activities and other team items. Thank you! She will definitely be back!
I was so proud of my camper for choosing activities that were not already familiar to him... a "safe/familiar" choice for him would be team based sports, but instead he did high ropes.
Together with your support we will continue to support the mission of the Y. The goal of our Annual Campaign is to raise $200,000 for our scholarship fund that supports members at the Y, youth sports participants, and campers at Camp Pepin - please make a gift today!
Thank you for all you do to make fulfilling our mission possible.
Sincerely Your Annual Campaign Chairs,
Michael Hosfeld, Susan Langer, and Conor Smyth