Celebrate my new role as Executive Director!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Family Enhancement CenterLet us stand together for STRONG FAMLIES, SAFE KIDS! Your support for FEC helps kids THRIVE.
raised by 16 people
$3,000 goal
“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.” – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (2014)
Aid in healing and prevention of trauma and abuse with individuals, children and families has characterized much of my career. With over three decades of experience and leadership in social work, I have now stepped into a new role as the Executive Director of the Family Enhancement Center (FEC).
At FEC, we support children, youth, and families who have experienced traumatic events, making resilience a real possibility. Children can tolerate even severe stress if stable, responsive adult relationships are in place to buffer the negative impact. We support families to increase their time and capacity for supportive family relationships. With the right support, buffered by protective factors, children have the capacity to thrive despite adverse life experiences.
Our innovative programs wrap a youth and their family in services so that the whole person / whole family can heal. Check out our services at: https://familyenhancementcenter.org/our-services/
Celebrate with me - YOU make this work possible through your financial support! What matters most is that you stand with me in this work, and for that I thank you!