St. Paul Area Chamber Charitable Foundation

A nonprofit organization

1,013 donors

Our mission is to make targeted investments to develop and support engaged leaders who enhance a vibrant East Metro business community.

The St. Paul Area Chamber Charitable Foundation was formed as the philanthropic arm of the Chamber in 1976, to advance education and workforce development initiatives within the St. Paul/East Metro area.

What We Do 

We provide the following to our members and the St. Paul/East Metro community:

  • Leadership programs to educate members on the issues facing our community
  • Committed volunteers
  • Fundraising initiatives to address the most pressing issues surrounding workforce development and education

The Foundation Builds Scholars, Leaders, and Communities by bringing business resources and community opportunities together. We advocate the need for leadership in helping our business community meet workforce challenges.

The Foundation supports its mission to grow strong leaders through its flagship program, Leadership St. Paul (LSP). Over 2,000 participants have completed this 10-month cohort program over the last 40 years, where the class learns about issues and trends facing our community through experiential learning, including several small group service projects.  

Today, many LSP graduates are serving in leadership roles within local community organizations, corporations, and non-profit boards. 

We raise money to support our leadership development in the East Metro through, annual giving, the Really Big Time Raffle, and the Annual Foundation Luncheon. 

Organization Data


Organization name

St. Paul Area Chamber Charitable Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Education Economic Development


401 Robert St N Ste 150
Saint Paul, MN 55101