Minnesota Council of Churches

A nonprofit organization

$3,836 raised by 23 donors

15% complete

$25,000 Goal

It is my privilege to greet you as the new CEO of the Minnesota Council of Churches. For more than 77 years our mission has been to build the common good in our community and the world. We are multi-denominational Christian leaders and congregations - united with common purpose- to deliver light, agape love, and service to communities and people plagued by racial divisiveness, political and religious polarization, poverty, and civic discord.  


We believe the essence of why we exist is that this organization, this ministry, and each of you is here to deliver hope to communities and people throughout Minnesota.


Hope through service to newcomers – refugees, immigrants, asylees – those vilified by political rhetoric and othered based on misguided fears and prejudices. Hope to those who want to engage in true civil discourse but do not have the tools or the safe spaces to do so. Hope to those suffering what Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart describes as the cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over one’s lifetime and from generation to generation following loss of lives, land, and vital aspects of culture.


As a supporter of MCC you too are a provider of hope.


Your donation to MCC will help us build the beloved community. 

Your partnership will move our state and our faith communities towards racial repair. 

Your support will continue to grant aid and relief to displaced peoples. 

Your commitment will build bridges of interfaith relationship and heal from the progress-halting wounds of social division with peacemaking and depolarization.


Donate for impact on this page.


Click through the programs below to learn more about how MCC helps you push forward in such a time as this to build the common good.


With gratitude,


Suzanne P. Kelly

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

  • $1,500 - Covers a Sacred Sites Tour for an organization…and so much more!
  • $1000—Supports the cost for 25 people to attend a Racial Justice Truth-Telling event, or the cost of 3 months of comprehensive case management for a newly arrived refugee family…and so much more!
  • $300—Sponsors a Healing Minnesota Speaker to an organization, provides an interpreter for a full week of cultural orientation classes…and so much more!
  • $150—Supports community peacebuilding via a Respectful conversation…and so much more!
  • $75—Provides (through a partnership) a full-set of furniture for an apartment, assists a former refugee applying for US citizenship…and so much more!
  • $40—Provides a refugee family with a 20-cup rice cooker, provides a monthly bus card to a refugee job-seeker…and so much more!

Organization Data


Organization name

Minnesota Council of Churches

Tax id (EIN)



Faith Community Humanitarian Aid

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving







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