You've helped us survive; now help us thrive!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Uptake
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Thanks to you, we raised $4000 for our website. Now let's raise $2500 for our freelance program!


raised by 40 people

$6,500 goal

Thank you!

Update posted 6 years ago

Thank you so much to all of you for helping us meet out first goal in less than 48 hours! We're blessed and humbled by your support! 

Your donations will help us make some major fixes to the back-end of our website!

Because of your support, we would love to ask you for one more thing. A news organization is no good without news and we want to be able to hire and PAY freelance journalists. 

In order to develop a freelance journalism program, we need to raise about $2500. 

We would be using that money to develop job descriptions and find reporters. We would be using that money to offer journalism trainings to up-and-coming freelance journalists who we could then hire. And we would be using that money for equipment and supplies, amongst other absolutely crucial needs. 

You can donate here and contact us with any questions ( 

Thank you!



Hello UpTake supporters - 

The UpTake is in the throes of an emergency. Our website has broken down in some major ways and the price tag is higher than we can afford without help: $4,000. 

We’ve been offered a matching grant of $2000, but we can only access that money if we can raise $2000 from our base of supporters. And $4000 is more than we can afford without the help. 

I want to say something pithy like our website is our foundation, but, the website isn’t our foundation, you are. The website, though, is our history, our primary means of communicating, and almost everything we are as a news organization. You’re everything else. 

The UpTake has worked hard to continue covering the events and conversations that our communities care about, but without our website, those stories are difficult to share.

We cannot survive, as a news organization, without these absolutely crucial back end fixes to our website. And we cannot afford these fixes ourselves. 

Every dollar we raise from an UpTake supporter is worth two dollars for the next two weeks, so if there was ever a time to give, now is the time!

You can donate here and you can contact us directly with any questions you have! 

Giving Activity



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