Thanksgiving Dinner 2023
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Rescue Now Services Inc$10,135
raised by 88 people
$15,000 goal
We are celebrating 10 years of distributing Thanksgiving dinners to our clients.
With all the excitement of the holiday season, it's easy to take what we have for granted. At Good Works Food Shelf, we're grateful for life, health, and family. We are thankful for the opportunity to meet the needs of our neighbors who depend on the food shelf to provide healthy foods, fruits and vegetables, and household products to help supplement their families' food budgets. And during the holiday season, we're grateful that we can distribute Thanksgiving Dinner baskets to families in need.
Over the years, our clients have shared stories about what getting a Thanksgiving dinner means to them. Sharon, a great-grandmother, shared that she could not afford to bring the entire family together for Thanksgiving. " I always thought I would have everyone bring a dish to share, but this year, I can make the turkey and some side dishes." She said her children and grandchildren are welcome to bring a dish, but they don't have to. "It feels good being able to make dinner for your family," she said.
As is often the case, our needs grow, we're serving more clients, and food is much more expensive. On Friday, November 17, we're distributing 300 Thanksgiving dinner baskets to our community. The Thanksgiving dinner basket includes food items needed to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, such as turkey, vegetables, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and dessert.
Sponsor a Thanksgiving dinner for a family of 4 at $35 per basket and for a larger family at $50.