Samantha's Fundraiser for Mentor North

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mentor North
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Help me raise $1000 for Mentor North so we can make sure every youth who wants a mentor can have one


raised by 17 people

$1,000 goal

Hello and thank you for coming to my page to learn more about the wonderful work that happens through Mentor North.  I got involved with Mentor North because I wanted to have the opportunity to make a difference in a young person's life.  That was a huge part of why I was a teacher and a coach for so many years.  In the picture above, meet Maria - we have been match for almost 3.5 years and she will be 17 next month.  

I first met Maria during the pandemic as her academic tutor while the schools shifted to be online. Yikes, was that a tough transition - and we spent time nearly every school day doing homework that first year without video and over text messages. We spent many months where the most she would say was yes, no or okay. So when she finally felt comfortable enough to start opening up it became more and more clear how much she needed someone who believed in her, loved her and would always show up.  When the first school year ended, I really couldn't bare the thought of Maria not having someone to connect with - and so I told her as long as she would have me, I'd always be there for her.  

She was really excited when we got the opportunity to move into the community based mentoring program - which means each week we go do something in the community together.  Sometimes its a hike, the library, or something new for her like the ice cream shop, mini-golf, art galleries and so much more.  Every week we reflect on her goals, and it's been so fulfilling to see how much she has learned to advocate for herself and step out of her comfort zone as she develops into the person she wants to be.  I'm grateful to be along for any part of the journey.  

Some big moments have been when, after many months, Maria convinced her mom she needed to be vaccinated; she finally feel in love with reading; after dozens of walks together in her new neighborhood where I said hi and introduced us to anyone outside - she feels confident to walk and run on her own - mental health win big time!  We have been cooking together and building her recipe stash, along with making cards together - Maria loves sending cards, so I always bring her after school snacks and some cards to send - especially to her large family she doesn't get to see. We've also been building her a calming kit so she has lots of tools to process her anxiety, and I can tell it's making a difference. This year she's reaching out to more peers and has a great new friend.  I remember how hard being a teen was and how critical it was to have caring adults in my life - they made me believe in myself when I didn't.  I love that I've had the chance to do that for Maria - especially with all the extra challenges she has in her world compared to the one I grew up in.  

I'm asking for donations - really in any amount, so that Mentor North can work towards every youth in my community having a mentor.  Thanks for paying it forward to support our next generation - one meaningful mentorship at at time!  

For the 2023 Give to the Max campaign, Mentor North is aiming to raise $8,000.  With your recurring or one-time donation, Mentor North will work to ensure that every local youth has opportunities to gain life skills, try new things, develop meaningful interests and engage with their community through 1 on 1 mentorships. Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that someone cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter.  Being in a mentoring relationship builds social connection, improved self worth, confidence, mental and physical well-being for mentors and youth alike. 

Resilience Builders - Please consider becoming one of our Resilience Builder by choosing an automated monthly donation!  This will enable your partnership with Mentor North to benefit youth, families and community year round.  We also welcome one-time donations - every donation helps us create positive change. 


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