Precious Paws Humane Society of Chisholm
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Precious Paws Humane SocietyYour love has the power to make a difference and change lives.
raised by 13 people
$5,000 goal
At precious Paws, we believe every animal, including those deemed unadoptable, deserves a real chance at life. As a community and as a society, we share the responsibility to alleviate animals suffering by creating an environment that allows them to heal and learn to trust again.
Your support allows us to continue creating a kinder, more loving world for our rescues, giving them the second chances they deserve.
Meet Tony
Tony was found near his mama and sibling who got hit by a car and didn’t make it. He was scared and injured not knowing what happened. The people who found him called the police and he was brought to us. We brought Tony to the vet immediately. He had a ruptured /punctured cornea. The iris and eye fluid were going into that bubble. The rest of the eye looked good so he sutured the communication and placed a 3rd eyelid flap to help it heal to try to preserve the eye. Tony’s eye did heal and he can see good!
He did find his forever home and is thriving with new siblings!
Meet Shadow
Shadow was brought to us as a trapped cat from the police. He had bad weepy eyes, couldn’t move very well, and was super skinny. He was rushed to the vet and they found he had a few problems that make him look rough. He had ear mites, an ear infection, a skin infection, and entropion (which is where the eyelids are rolled inward causing the fur to rub the eyes and cause lots of irritation).
Shadow pulled through and the eye surgery worked. He is now living his best second chance at life with a new family and a sibling!
Bretta’s Pantry
Bretta’s Pantry was introduced in November of 2023.
Bretta's Pantry provides families with food to get by for a few days- until they can go shopping. Each family will receive cat and/or dog food items that will last them a few days- enough to get by until they can go shopping. We all have been there a time or two when we have to figure out how to stretch that dollar until payday. We don't want anyone to have to decide between buying their own food or their animals' food.
MN Snap
We have MN Snap come to our shelter twice a year to provide low cost spay and neutering to our community. This is an awesome program that not only helps our shelter but the community as well.
Our goal is $5,000 to go towards our Medical Fund.
Our big wish for this giving season - to help us get through the ongoing animal shelter crisis. This year, we experienced an increase in injured strays, which has lead to increased expenses. Your donations will allow us to continue providing medical care to animals in urgent need.
Please support our Mission by donating today! We cannot do this without YOU!
Your donations matter. Your donations make a difference.