Rachel's Hope Building Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Providing pregnancy and parenting support to families in need in southern Minnesota.


raised by 0 people

$25,000 goal

Southern Minnesota Women's Center, also known as Rachel's Hope, is a faith-based pregnancy and parenting resource center located in Austin, MN.  We are celebrating 25 years of serving parents in southern Minnesota.

Our programming provides a wide variety of pregnancy and parenting education, as well as support groups, individual classes, group classes on a variety of subjects from cooking on a budget to tummy-time for baby, toddler story times, and much more.

We partner with our community to provide referrals and assistance with securing resources, to make sure all of the families in our community are receiving the best care possible.  We truly believe in the adage "It takes a village to raise a child," and play an active role in our village.

We also offer our "Baby Boutique," pictured above, where families in need receive free access to items such as diapers, toiletries, feminine and oral hygiene items, formula, food, clothing, furniture, toys and books for children, household items, and more.  These items are provided free of charge.

All pregnant families and families with babies and young toddlers are welcome to join our programming; we do not discriminate based on financial status, race, age, religion, gender, affiliation, etc.  ALL are welcome.

We have seen tremendous, unprecedented growth in the last few years; so much so that we outgrow the facility that had housed us for over twenty years.  In March of 2023, we purchased a new facility to better serve our clientele.  The new facility is a huge blessing that has allowed us to continue to grow and add new programming each month, but it is not yet paid off.  We are placing extra effort into paying the new facility off as soon as possible, so that we may continue as we always have done - being the best stewards we can be of our funding, so that the maximum benefit is provided directly to our clients and the programming in which they participate.

Thank you for reading our story, and for considering our organization as a recipient of your generosity.  We could not do what we do without our supporters and the amazing crew of volunteers who show up each and every day, ready to serve!

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