Gardening for All

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Duluth  Community Garden Program
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DCGP cultivates healthy, local neighborhoods in Duluth.


raised by 3 people

$500 goal

The Duluth Community Garden Program creates opportunities for everyone to garden - regardless of experience, income, neighborhood, or other barriers - and has been doing so for over 40 years. DCGP has always been a grassroots organization that is only made possible with support from community. 

I support DCGP because I believe everyone should have access to healthy foods right in their neighborhood. DCGP does so many amazing things from teaching young people how to grow plants, to sharing knowledge and resources with community members. I joined DCGP as an intern in 2020 and have continued supporting them as a member of their Board of Directors because I know their impact is much larger than vegetables, it is about bringing people together and I want their work to continue for many years to come.

Give to the Max Day comes as DCGP needs to urgently raise funds.  To keep up staffing levels and carry on with projects, I ask for you to join me in supporting this organization. 

My goal is to raise $500 during Give to the Max Day, and I know I can do it with your help.

Thank you!

This fundraiser supports

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Duluth  Community Garden Program

Organized By Kellsey Firehammer

Giving Activity


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