Promoting equality in athletics for all.
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Bolt of LightningBolt of Lightning was created to make youth sports more accessible for all.
raised by 5 people
Bolt of Lightning was created to make youth sports more accessible for low-income families. According to the Aspen Institute, only 27.5 percent of children from homes with incomes under $25,000 a year play sports, compared to 45.5 percent of kids who come from homes with incomes higher than $100,000 a year. A Rand Study reported that a typical family spends $700 per year on their child’s sports activities including fees, equipment, travel, and more. Families earning $50,000 or less cited costs as the top reason their kids don’t participate in organized sports.
Bolt of Lightning’s Founder, Jon Rummels, began his coaching career in 1993. He understood early on that students who competed in sports have better outcomes in school and behavior. It’s worth noting that kids who participate in sports at a young age have less emotional problems, hyperactivity, peer problems, and antisocial behavior including committing crimes.
Minnesota Public Schools, like Club Programs charge pay -to – play fees, which prices some families out. The bottom line is more student who come from middle-income and lower -income families are not taking part in sports because of costs. Our goal is to help those families with their athletic fees including training, and increase their children’s participation which studies have shown have proven to produce a positive impact for them in school and in their community.