K-9 Fundraiser for Plymouth Police Department

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Plymouth Crime and Fire Prevention Fund
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raised by 12 people

$12,000 goal

Through the Generosity Of the Community, the PC&FPF Has Reached Its Funding Goal and Will Purchase a New Police K-9 for the City. Purchase a New Police K-9!C&FPF Has Reached Its Funding Goal anks the Community For H

Update posted 4 years ago

The Plymouth Crime & Fire Prevention Fund would like to thank the community for its financial generosity and civic kindness.  Donations received for the PC&FPF's K-9 Fundraising Campaign have been used to purchase Plymouth's newest four-legged Officer, K-9 Reign.

The Plymouth Crime & Fire Prevention Fund (PC&FPF) has launched a fundraising campaign to purchase a K-9 for the Plymouth Police Department.

In 2020, the police department experienced the unforeseen and heartbreaking loss of two K-9s due to cancer and illness.  “Knight and Odie, seven and eight year veterans, were in the prime of their careers. It’s a devastating loss to the department and the community,” said Police Chief Erik Fadden.

While the City is financially prepared to replace one K-9, replacing two is more difficult to overcome.  Monies raised by the PC&FPF will be used to purchase a trained dog, K-9 vest and kennel, which is estimated to be $12,000.

 “We keep K-9 Officers Larson and Dane, their families and the police department in our thoughts and prayers, as these are tragic losses.  Not only are they losses to the department, but to the entire community because of the valuable service K-9s provide,” said Jackie Hogshire, President of the PC&FPF.  “We hope that the community will rally together to donate and help bring another skilled K9 partner to the City.”

Community members who would like to make a tax-deductible donation can do so at GIVEMN.org. or by check to the PC&FPF, 3400 Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, MN  55447.   

A sad farewell for K-9 Knight and Odie

In 1994, the PC&FPF successfully raised money from the community to establish the City’s first K9 program.   The PC&FPF then went on to purchase K9s in 1997 and 1999.  Plymouth has now been served by 10 exceptional dogs. For more information on the PC&FPF visit plymouthcrimefire.org. or on Facebook.

Giving Activity


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