Ozkurt Yildiz - Stark Naked

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

MS Focus: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
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Ozkurt's fundraising page for Stark Naked


raised by 25 people

$10,000 goal

Team participant

I am doing SN cause I am enjoying anything related with Stark, first time in my life I am seeing a process, losing fat and looking my self in front of the mirror more than ever! When I first start I thought that was my last chance to became healthy and I believe so far I am doing good so I want to carry this to next step with SN, I have MS for last 12 years, It is very hard to manage both mentally and financially I know it from my heart people with MS waking up everyday with fear of loosing their mobility, vision, etc my charity helping people with MS financially giving them grants paying their medical bills  etc

This fundraiser supports

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MS Focus: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation

Organized By Todd Vande Hei

Giving Activity


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