Aging Services
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Family Service RochesterHelp and older adult stay right where they want to be - at home.
raised by 2 people
$5,000 goal
Consider making a recurring gift of $60 a month. This gift will help senior stay in their home.
We help seniors stay in their homes and live independently for as long as possible. Most older adults want to stay in their homes, but some are faced with challenges. We provide a variety of non-medical services to help older adults remain living safely and independently. Please donate and help an older adult continue living at home. YOUR Donation help us ensure that the seniors in our community, who are often the foundation of many FAMILIES, can live independently and with dignity.
$60.00 can assist with the following programs we provide.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors chore and support services help older adults and persons with disabilities with chores and other daily activities so they can remain living independently in their homes.
Meals on Wheels provides home delivered, dietetically correct, hot, nutritious meals and a friendly visit.
Senior Cafe: We serve lunch every Monday and Tuesday at 11:30 at our south building location 1625 Highway 14 East.
Home Safety Checks: The Olmsted County Falls Prevention Coalition offers a complete home safety visit to assess fall risks in the home.
Older Adult Mental Health: Good mental health helps us enjoy life more, handle difficult situations, and stay connected to family, friends, and our community.