Nibi Walk

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Indigenous Peoples Task Force
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The Nibi (Water) Walks are Indigenous-led, extended ceremonies to pray for the water. Every step is taken in prayer and gratitude for water.


raised by 147 people

$25,000 goal

Water Walks are focused and implemented in faith: faith in the water spirits, faith in the earth, faith in humankind and faith in the power of love. No amount of money is more powerful than these forces. When we spend time respecting and thanking the water for keeping us alive, it becomes impossible to abuse it. When we spend time praying for the water, we spend time praying for ourselves; in praying for ourselves we pray for all of our relatives.

In 2023 we will lead the Lake Superior Nibi Walk, a 33 day walk around Lake Superior. We are particularly in need of donations to sponsor youth walkers.

We walk for the water, and as we heal the water we heal all of life. Your gift helps support the considerable logistics to make these prayer walks possible. Walks are also only a beginning. Our leader Sharon Day is a leading voice for the water and inspires all of us to do something for the water every day.

You can do something for the water every day by becoming a monthly donor to Nibi Walks. 

Nibi Walks is a program of the Indigenous People's Task Force.

This fundraiser supports

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Indigenous Peoples Task Force

Organized By Emily Jarrett Hughes

Giving Activity


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