New Native Theatre (NNT)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

New Native Theatre
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The Only Non-Profit Native Theatre in the Upper Midwest!


raised by 152 people

New Native Theatre is a new way of looking at, thinking about, and staging Native American stories. New Native Theatre is working hard to train and empower Native artists and uplift all audiences with stories that defy typical stereotypes. You can help us to grow by supporting Native artists!

 Our mission is to engage artists and audience by: 

 Bringing authentic Native American stories to the stage, as a way of healing. Our focus is on nurturing and developing Native American artists, particularly those from the 11 tribes in Minnesota and urban Twin Cities Native community, which has Native American community members from around the country. Combined the Minnesota reservation and Twin Cities urban community include approximately 70,000 people who have historically been shut out from meaningful professional theatre for numerous legal, cultural, and societal factors. 

 Our main focus is on Native community given the long history of determent from pursuing a theatre career. We relish in providing opportunities to actors, directors, and playwrights whom no one else considers due to their age and ethnicity. Through our work, our artists are now regularly found on Twin Cities stages and in film/television; they even produce plays. NNT artists are intricately connected to the concerns and voices of their communities, and reflect a collaborative spirit that honors theatre as a collaborative art and Native culture. At NNT, we know we’re connected not just by an artistic project but by our culture, family, and history. No other Twin Cities company — past or present — has consistently provided training and opportunities for Native artists in the frequency, cultural sensitivity, and success that we’ve done in the past 11 years.

Check out our shows/events on our new website

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