Give to the Max for Aphasia!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Minnesota Connect Aphasia Now (MnCAN)Please join us as we all Give to the Max for Aphasia for program scholarships and support groups!
raised by 27 people
$5,000 goal
Imagine not being able to communicate with those around you. Daily routines such as ordering a coffee, sending a text message, reading an email, scheduling an appointment or dinner out with a friend can all be impacted by aphasia.
Aphasia is a language disorder that can affect talking, listening, reading and writing. It can be isolating and frustrating.
Minnesota Connect Aphasia Now (MnCAN) helps to bring those with aphasia together through our programs AND support groups.
MnCAN currently offers 4 specialty groups that are free of charge to participants:
1. Care Partner Support Group is a place for family, friends or other types of care partners to gather together once a month to receive education, emotional support and peer sharing. The group is jointly facilitated by a speech language pathologist and social worker.
2. Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) virtual and in-person support groups offer a safe space for those living with PPA and their care partners to gather together and discuss the unique challenges of life with PPA. The group is facilitated by a speech language pathologist.
3. Speak Up! Young Aphasia Group is a support group for adults age 55 and under to find connection and support during the aphasia recovery journey. The group offers friendship and an opportunity to discuss life-changes and living with aphasia. The group is facilitated by a speech language pathologist.
4. Coffee Club is a weekly conversation group for people with aphasia to gather together and enjoy a (virtual) cup of coffee and chat. The group is participant-led with support from a speech language pathologist.
MnCAN also provides scholarships to participants in our programs requiring a tuition fee. Our programs are available to anyone that wants to participate, regardless of financial status. In 2024, we have provided over $10,000 in scholarships to our program participants experiencing significant financial need.
This GIVE TO THE MAX DAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2024 our goal is to RAISE $5,000 to continue to offer free or discounted tuition to our group participants in need and to provide resources for our support groups.
We can do this with your help! We appreciate your support!
Angie Maier and Jessica Wald
MnCAN Co-Executive Directors