National Loon Center Project Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Initiative Foundation and its Partner FundsThe NLC is an educational destination for loons and freshwater everywhere.
raised by 32 people
$10,000 goal
9 months left
The National Loon Center 's mission is to be an interactive educational destination that transforms visitors into champions for loons and freshwater everywhere.
As a leader in loon preservation and freshwater conservation, the National Loon Center will reside in the heart of our nation's lake country and will be an educational, family-friendly destination for nature-lovers and conservationists alike. Through our work, we will build a place where everyone can transform into champions for loons and our shared waters everywhere.
- Scientific Loon Council and National Freshwater Institute
- We will partner with the University of Minnesota to educate, inspire and the public through our freshwater initiative
- National research collaborative
- Hands-on learning and citizen science
- State-of-the-art 15,000 square-foot facility
- Lakeshore docks and boardwalks
- Floating classroom
- Outdoor exhibits and demonstration areas
- Bird sanctuaries
- Interpretive Center
Visit the National Loon Center website.
Thank you! Your generous gift will be available immediately to support the operations of the National Loon Center.
Thinking of a larger donation or legacy gift? Send an email to or call (320) 632-9255 for one-on-one guidance to maximize the return on your investment.
Making your donation by check? Make checks payable to the Initiative Foundation, and mail to Initiative Foundation - 446122, P.O. Box 64182, St Paul, MN 55164-0182. Please note "National Loon Center" in the memo line.
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This fundraiser supports
The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds
Organized By National Loon Center Project Fund