Our Story, Our Terms: Heard, Liberated, Relentless
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Led by TRUTHSupport MelanatedROOTS & LegacyLOUD Giving Circles-fund grants, boost representation, spark impact!
raised by 14 people
$20,000 goal
Lived Experiences: the True Catalyst
Our Roots
It started with an "idea"...
In 2021, a vision was birthed—a vision of resilience and recognition. Led by TRUTH was not just an idea; it was a battle cry. A battle against the established norms that perpetuated the narrative that Black-led organizations should remain as mere secondary characters in the grand theatre of economic development.
Breaking the Silence
The Uncomfortable Reality
White-led organizations often undervalue the contributions of Black & Brown professionals, such as our CEO, who devoted over 3,148 hours worth $787,000 to support others while leading Led by TRUTH. Despite their innovative potential, BIPOC organizations, facing systemic biases in philanthropy, are acknowledged but not celebrated. Unfortunately, even with our best efforts, we have only secured 7% of the $1.6 million in funding that we pursued. This highlights the stark inequities and undervaluation we, and other BIPOC-led nonprofits, face, even while playing a vital role in community support
Our Time to Flourish
Our Priority to US!
We reject the narratives that seek to sideline us. Led by TRUTH rises, proud and unyielding. We will no longer be a footnote in someone else's success story. Our genius will not be leveraged for profit under the guise of serving communities of color. We are resilient, innovative, and determined. We pen our narrative. Our story. Our terms. Heard. Liberated. Relentless.
The Journey Reignites Here.....
By emphasizing the impact of our work and pursuing alternative funding pathways, we assert our rightful place in the community, free from the constraints of structural racism in traditional philanthropy. This approach allows us to shift the narrative and align with the founding purpose of Led by TRUTH. Prioritizing authenticity, we promote racial equity in entrepreneurship, thereby strengthening our capacity to serve and diversifying support organizations and resources within the community.
Our Call to ACTION!
Champion US!
Support a Black Woman founded nonprofit and join us in breaking the cycle of systemic challenges. Stand with us as an 'Ally', in resilience and transformative change. Move beyond words and show 'Equity in Action' by contributing to our campaign.
The Value of Your Donation:
- Uplifts Entrepreneurs of Color through community wealth building
- Provides genuine support to Led by TRUTH, an organization that has devoted over 3400 hours of impact to other entities
- Boldly challenges a system built at the expense of Black & Brown individuals.
Our Impact: Seen, Felt, & Experienced
Meet 2022 BLOOM Mentorship Program Cohort 1 Founder
Meet 2023 BLOOM Mentorship Program Cohort 2 Founders