JFHML Endowment Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds
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Gifts provide sustainability for the JFHML. A Hallett Trusts $10000 matching grant has been awarded!


raised by 132 people

$100,000 goal

10 months left

Update #1

Update posted 2 years ago
The 100 x 100 campaign has reached its goal of 100 people donating $100. Let's keep moving forward toward the overall goal of raising $100,000! Thank you for being part of the vision of providing for the sustainability of our JFHML.

The Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library was a gift to the community from E.W. Hallett in memory of his wife Jessie. The Library has been the legacy of E.W. Hallett who was so important to the development of Crosby and the Cuyuna Range. The mission of the library was then and is now to inform, educate and culturally enrich the entire multigenerational Cuyuna Lakes community. 

Due to funding cuts in the last several years, the library has cut back on services and staff. During this time of financial challenges, it has become apparent that an additional stable and growing funding source is necessary to continue providing services to the community. 

The library has always been a source of pride to this community, so it made sense to develop a program where the citizens of the area, past and present, could be a part of the future of the library. Beginning an endowment fund was the natural solution—it will provide financial stability and it will allow people to support the library they love.  Now, not only will it be the legacy of Mr. Hallett and his beloved wife Jessie, it can be the legacy of the people of the Cuyuna Lakes Area who love libraries, books and this area. Learn more about the library at hallettlibrary.org. Connect on social media at facebook.com/hallettlibrary;  twitter.com/jfhml; and facebook.com/JFHMLFF.

Thank you! Your generous gift will be permanently invested to create a lasting legacy for the JFHML Endowment Fund.

Thinking of a larger donation or legacy gift? Send an email to info@ifound.org or call (320) 632-9255 for one-on-one guidance to maximize the return on your investment. 

Making your donation by check? Make checks payable to the Initiative Foundation, and mail to Initiative Foundation - 446122, P.O. Box 64182, St Paul, MN 55164-0182. Please note "JFHML Endowment Fund" in the memo line. 

A gift to Central Minnesota prosperity: Have you included the Initiative Foundation in your will to support community and economic prosperity in the region? Visit ifound.org/generosity/wills-bequests for a free estate-planning guide. 

Start your own fund: Did you know you can create your own Initiative Foundation-hosted Partner Fund and support the causes you care about? Contact funds@ifound.org to learn more.

This fundraiser supports

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The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds

Organized By Jessie F. Hallett Memorial Library Endowment Fund

Giving Activity


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