Educational Aides/ Transportation/ PreK Playground
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church & AcademyHTLA is raising funds for classroom aides, a K-8 school van, and a new PreK playground.
raised by 38 people
$45,000 goal
Thirty families have donated so far, help us maximize the match by donating $50 to get a $50 matching bonus!
Welcome to Holy Trinity Lutheran Academy's Give to the Max Page! Thank you for visiting! Holy Trinity Lutheran Academy is in New Hope, MN and partners with students and their families from seven different school districts on the west side of Minneapolis.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Academy is fundraising to help maintain the consistent level of in-classroom academic support offered by our teachers' aides. HTLA's current faculty consists of one full-time and three part time aides. These classroom assistants have made it possible to meet the needs of our students. The classroom assistants can be used to support students who need extra practice, while challenging students who are advancing at a higher rate. In our multi-grade setting, the teacher can focus his or her attention on a small group being taught while the aide supports and assists students working in other parts of the classroom. Having these aides has been a tremendous blessing to our faculty and students, and HTLA would like to continue the use of a support staff through potential enrollment growth.
Holy Trinity is also looking to purchase a van wrapped in our schools logo that we can use for events like field trips and athletic competitions. Exploring the Twin Cities community offers both an enriching and diverse learning environment for our students. Educational field trips highlight many of our students favorite memories at HTLA. Having a school van to take to Eagle Bluff, a basketball tournament, or a museum downtown Minneapolis will be very beneficial to our whole student body.
The PreK program at HTLA has its own easily accessible playground space. HTLA is looking to update the playground in this PreK area. Three different classrooms utilize this space. Updating the playground would be a great blessing for the nearly 40 children who use the playground daily.