Murray Pilots go to National History Day!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Murray Middle School PTO
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Help us send the Murray Team to DC!


raised by 30 people

$11,343 goal

Six Murray Historians advanced from the State History Day competition with their amazing projects. Sylvia McRoberts, Scout Murch-Gordon, Maeve Callahan-Schreiber, Charlie Anderson, Peter Laska & Emmett Loth are all heading to National History Day for their website, exhibit, and documentaries.  National History Day is held at the University of Maryland in June.  Janey Atchison, Kirsten Croone, and Carrie Newman will be accompanying the Murray team to Washington DC.  Please help us to support our briliant  Murray Educators and outstanding Murray Historians and as they compete among the best of the best in our nation!

This fundraiser is hosted by the Murray Parent Teacher Organization, a 501(c)(3). Contributions made to this fundraiser will be used to support the travel expenses of the 2024 History Day Team. This trip is organized by the Minnesota Historical Society.  A big thank you to the MNHS team for making this trip happen.

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