Greater Pine Area Endowment

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds
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Our mission is to strengthen the community by supporting economic and community development.


raised by 1 people

$10,000 goal

10 months left

The goal of the Greater Pine Area Endowment  is to improve and strengthen our community by supporting projects that fit one or more of the following areas:

  • Economic Development: Projects that lead to quality job creation or high tech employment. 
  • Community Development: Projects that promote community pride and quality of life through environmental stewardship and community beautification. Additionally, proposals that positively impact the housing, safety, employment and other needs of the more vulnerable members of the community, including youth, the elderly and those who are low-income. Specifically, proposals which aim to lessen human suffering while at the same time building the capacity of people to positively change their life circumstances.

Thank you! Your generous gift will be permanently invested to create a lasting legacy for the Greater Pine Area Endowment.

Thinking of a larger donation or legacy gift? Send an email to or call (320) 632-9255 for one-on-one guidance to maximize the return on your investment.

Making your donation by check? Make checks payable to the Initiative Foundation, and mail to Initiative Foundation - 446122, P.O. Box 64182, St Paul, MN 55164-0182. Please note "Greater Pine Area Endowment" in the memo line. 

A gift to Central Minnesota prosperity: Have you included the Initiative Foundation in your will to support community and economic prosperity in the region? Visit for a free estate-planning guide.

Start your own fund: Did you know you can create your own Initiative Foundation-hosted Partner Fund and support the causes you care about? Contact to learn more.

This fundraiser supports

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The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds

Organized By Greater Pine Area Endowment

Giving Activity


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