Help Pacem in Terris Clean-up and Recovery

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center
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Help Pacem in Terris clean-up and recover after August 26th's devastating storms. 1-1 Matching Gift


raised by 188 people

$200,000 goal

3 months left




Update #11

Update posted 4 hours ago

Pacem in Terris Hermitage Retreat Center sustained unprecedented damage Monday, August 26, 2024. Hundreds of trees were felled by storms/down-drafts at Pacem in Terris. While a majority of property damage to buildings, houses, and hermitages should be covered by insurance (minus a $5,000 deductible) the cost for clean-up and removal of trees and recovery on Pacem's roads and trails will be extensive. 

Please be generous in your support of Pacem's clean-up and recovery efforts. Thanks to a generous donor, any gift made either online (through GiveMN) or offline (through any other means) towards Pacem's recovery will be matched one-to-one up to a total of $100,000 for the overall campaign.

Here's a quick assessment of the damage:

- Eight fence sections damaged by fallen trees along Highway 47.

- 3 trees on top of St. Joseph House.

- Total loss of Pacem's 1962 dump truck.

- All roadways and many paths blocked by trees.

- At least a dozen hermitage roofs were damaged by fallen trees. 

- Propane line dug up and severed by uprooted tree near St. Peter hermitage.

- Electrical panel destroyed near parking area.

- Damage to septic electrical at San Damiano House.

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