Support Eureka's Educational Tours

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Eureka Recycling

Eureka's community educational tours offer a behind-the-scenes look into the world of recycling.


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

Support our Educational Tour Program! 

Eureka's community and educational tours offer a behind-the-scenes look into the world of recycling and help individuals and groups learn how to do their part in achieving a world without waste. 

We believe that everyone deserves access to recycling services and the most accurate information about recycling and waste reduction. That’s why we offer our tour program in both an in-person and a virtual format. 

How will your donation support our work?

All donations to this year’s Give to the Max Day fundraiser will help us improve the accessibility of our educational tour program.  

Your support will help us explore and access new and better ways to provide our tour and education to more people and remove barriers associated with language, cost, location, mobility, age, and/or disability. 

Your support will also help us maintain and, when needed, replace our tour equipment and provide the appropriate safety measures to keep people safe and healthy while taking a tour. Your donation will also ensure that we can provide accurate and the most up-to-date information and education from recycling experts who can answer questions and provide a meaningful experience for all participants.

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