Tour de Togo - FPYC Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Flaming Pine Youth Camp
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FPYC is one of the main pillars behind my faith. It's my personal goal to raise $3,000 in support!


raised by 16 people

$3,000 goal

Team participant

Flaming Pine Youth Camp is one of the main pillars behind my faith. Of course, family and my home church growing up were major factors, but I was so blessed by the people at FPYC who supported me as I was building my relationship with God while building life-long friendships at the same time. I was a counselor many years ago and it was one of my favorite jobs and one of the best summers I can remember! I can't think of a more idyllic setting to disconnect from the modern distractions and truly embrace nature. Hearing the loon calls before morning devotional on the beach or seeing a bald eagle flying over Mirror Lake give FPYC it's charm. I find so much joy watching the smiles on campers' faces as they play capture the flag or at Dudes Weekend when kids are throwing tomahawks for the first time. The extra weekends throughout the year keep us connected and allow for respite from the daily hustle and grind. Snowdays winter weekend, Memorial Day and Labor Day, Dudes weekend, Ladies retreat, the cooks get together, and everything in between allows for continued spiritual growth. As you can see, I love camp and my kids are now campers and able to see why I love it so much! The fees are minimal and only cover about 30% of the operating cost. Obviously, the remaining funds have to come from somewhere (do you know how much kids eat?!?), so the Tour de Togo is a fundraiser that helps cover that difference. I am hoping to raise at least $3,000 to help toward the camp van that needed to be replaced this year. It was almost $30,000 and we would love to raise as much as possible!

This fundraiser supports

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Flaming Pine Youth Camp

Organized By Erik Scharrer

Giving Activity


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