Give to the Max 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Damiano Center
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We need your support to continue to provide essential services to individuals and families in need.


raised by 14 people

$5,000 goal

Krissy got a job yesterday!  

She is currently sleeping in her car and is trying to save money to rent her own place soon. Clothes That Work provided her with a nice interview outfit and today she came back to get scrubs for her new job. Krissy has a mailbox at the Damiano so that she has a mailing address. While at the Damiano, she also receives hot meals, resource information, a shower, and transportation help. She is able to store her important documents in the new Safe Storage program and has weekly support through the Health Realization meetings. 

Krissy is working hard but can’t do it on her own.  

You can give Krissy a place to eat healthy meals, receive warm winter clothes, and experience dignity by making a gift to the Damiano Center. Your contribution allows Krissy to continue to have a safe place where she is cared for and given the respect she deserves. 

Your donation today can help Krissy. 

This Give to the Max Day, we need your support. Please give a gift to the Damiano Center today. You can provide a place of peace and support for Krissy and others like her. Through your financial gifts, she can get nutritious meals, hygiene items, a listening ear, and take a shower completely FREE of charge and FREE of judgment. 

Thank you for your generous support!

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