Students in Central MN need your support!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Yes NetworkOur classroom program, called Huddlup, gets kids out of their seats and improves mental health.
raised by 9 people
$15,000 goal
Classrooms in Crisis
In classrooms across Minnesota, students are struggling. And it's not just their test scores.
More and more young people are dealing with mental health problems. In fact, nearly 1 in 3 students are struggling with long-term mental health problems--such as depression and anxiety. This is the HIGHEST number ever recorded.
Everybody Huddlup!
Our Huddlup program improves student mental health by helping young people build and maintain positive relationships--with peers, teachers, and their families.
Your gift (in any amount!) brings the Huddlup program to more than 25 classrooms in Central Minnesota and counting!
HuddlUp gets kids out of their seats EVERY DAY and engaged in social play--increasing feelings of connectedness to peers, teachers, and their school.
Give today and join a community of people who believe in what's possible when we come together and give students what they need to thrive. It takes a village.
Thank you for your support!
"When we do Huddlup, I feel like my classmates know me better!" -- Taylor B., 3rd Grader.
"If I'm feeling sad I think about what I learned in Huddlup and it helps me feel more calm." -- Megan G., 5th Grader
Huddlup at Home!
Game night is on! You can bring fun, physically-active games to your family with our Huddlup mobile app. A digital library of MORE than 1,000 games developed by education experts awaits. You'll laugh a ton, learn new things, and--more importantly--you'll strengthen the bonds between you and your loved ones.
Visit the Apple App Store to DOWNLOAD THE APP.
Do you know an educator? Be sure to tell them about the Yes Network's program Huddlup. Questions? Feel free to call 763-358-5088.