Help Give a Happy Home

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Reaching Up Homework Help
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Reaching Up Family in Need


raised by 44 people

$5,160 goal

Dear Friends of Reaching Up,

We recently had a family come to us with a big need.  She is a single mom with four children who have had several financial setbacks this past year.  They were in a severe car crash which has caused financial and medical issues.  Shortly after the car accident she lost her job.  This past fall they had the death of a grandmother.  The grandmother had requested that her body be taken back to Africa to be with family.  As you can imagine that was a very expensive request for a family that is already financially challenged.  This family has always taken care of themselves.  However, due to this year's misfortunes they are being threatened with eviction proceedings beginning in February.  This is a good family.  Two of the children are in our Reaching Up program and they are absolutely wonderful.  We hate to see them suffer the insecurities of not knowing where they are going to live.  Our goal is to raise $5,160.00 to dig them out of their financial hole.  If you can, please considering giving any amount of money to help this family have a roof over their head.

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