CLUES' Abriendo Caminos Behavioral Health Clinics

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

CLUES - Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio
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CLUES Abriendo Caminos Behavioral Health clinics need donations to continue to provide free services


raised by 11 people

$5,000 goal

CLUES was founded by mental health therapists 42 years ago and we continue to build upon that legacy.

Today CLUES’ Prevention and Wellness Center-Abriendo Caminos (Opening Pathways) offers culturally affirming bilingual services to Latinos in need of support with mental health and substance use concerns. Our nearly 40 Latinx clinic staff are leaders in the disciplines of social work, licensed professional clinical counseling, psychology, substance use and children’s mental health. 

Latinos in Minnesota encounter limited culturally responsive options for mental health and substance use services. Additionally, Latinos have the highest uninsured rates of any racial or ethnic group in Minnesota, with disparities by race and ethnicity climbing.

CLUES is the leading provider of Behavioral Health services in the state of Minnesota offering all services fully in Spanish or English without the need for an interpreter.  

You can make a difference!

Your contributions help us continue serving anyone who walks through the door, regardless of their wellness concerns and insurance status. Any donation, great or small, sustains our growth to match the ever-increasing need for behavioral health services for Latinos in Spanish. 

CLUES is on the path to becoming a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC), making it one of three CCBHC’s nationally to focus on Latino communities. 

The CCBHC certification will dramatically increase the capacity of CLUES Behavioral Health Clinic to serve more Latinos each year. 

Donate today to be part of this historic investment in the health and wellness of Latino individuals and families in Minnesota. 

CLUES’ Behavioral Health clinics-Abriendo Caminos are making a real impact on the health and wellness of individuals today. Watch the following testimony.

Giving Activity



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