Center for School Change

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Edvisions Inc
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CSC works at the school, community, and policy levels to increase student achievement, raise graduation rates, and strengthen communities.


raised by 72 people

$8,500 goal

Established in 1988, individuals like YOU have helped CSC make a major difference in the lives of thousands of young people, educators and families.  More than  $30 million has been contributed beause foundations and government agencies see widespread support and repeated success in producing measurable progress with students. 

The picture above is an example - CSC helped lead a meeting in November, 2023 that builds on past success in convincing legislators to adopt ideas developed by youth, educators, family and community members. About 80 youth and educators came together in the Mn House of Representatives to discuss key issues facing youth and developed proposed legislative solutions. EVERY ONE of the youth said this was a good use of their time and EVERY ONE voted to continue working with legislators during 2024.  CSC and its partners will follow through with youth & legislators.  This follow a number of successes.  For example

* CSC co-director Khalique Rogers, who experienced homelessness, helped lead an effort in 2021 that produced $20 million/year for the nexxt six years for efforts to help reduce homelessness. Rogers was invited to testify twice to share results of more than 30 interviews he did with youth who had experienced homelessness.  He co-authored a column about this published by MinnPost, appeared for an hour on Minnesota Public Radio and then testified. 

In December 2022, Rogers and Nathan collaborated with Ramsey County to host a meeting with youth, educators, legislators and community members on additional steps to reduce homelessness.  Then they led a successful effort that produced millions of dollars from the legislature to  help public schools establish programs in which youth learn construction skills as they build homes for low income families.

CSC worked with districts throughout Minnesota, producing significant gains in student achievement and in school community collaboration.  A free booklet describing many of these cooperative projects has been downloaded more 1,000 times.

Using some of these partnerships & professional development selected in part by high school faculty, CSC helped Cincinnati Public Schools increase H.S. graduation rates & 
eliminate the 20+ point high school graduation gap between white & black students.  This happened as the state of Ohio created new statewide tests that students had to pass to graduate. ABC Nightly News  described these results. 

At the request of the US Department of Education, CSC research and wrote 
a report with recommendations about how public schools should assess student progress and overall school progress. This report has been downloaded thousands of times.

  CSC helped Minnesota families save millions of dollars in college costs.
 Since 1985, CSC staff helped convince legislators to approve, retain and expand Post Secondary Enrollment Options and other forms of dual high school college credit programs.  We helped lead a coalition that convinced legislators to require that Minnesota high schools allow students to use the school's computers to take free college level courses.  CSC also helped convince legislators that high schools must provide "up to date" information about PSEO to students and families. 

CSC helped produce triple digit gains in the enrollment of high school students in college level (dual credit) courses at 6 St. Paul public high schools.  We did this by helping each school to develop new college-level course offerings, and by working with faculty and leaders to develop a stronger "college-going" culture. .  4 of the 6 high schools serve students commonly labeled as 'alternative. Interviews with a couple of these students are on our 
CSC helped convene a meeting that brought together MN educators and experts on Historically Black and Tribal Colleges and Universities.  We spent a rich day discussing and pledging action around what MN K-12 education might learn from the successful strategies that HBCUs and TCUs employ.  Star Tribune editorial on the conference:

CSC has worked with schools and community organizations to create student-produced music videos on the value of Dual Credit in district and charter schools. There are now a total of 18 short videos in 7 different languages: English, Spanish, Hmong, Arabic, Somali, Karen, and Dakota.  Available on our website and as DVDs.

We are a division of EdVisions, which serves as our fiscal agent.  All contributions are tax deductible.

Donate by US Mail:   f you prefer to send in your donation by U.S. Mail, please make your check payable to Center for School Change and mail to:

Center for School Change/EdVisions
c/o Joe Nathan
519 S. Snelling, St Paul, Mn 55116
Questions: Please call CSC at 612 309-6571

This fundraiser supports

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Edvisions Inc

Organized By Joe Nathan

Giving Activity


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