Episcopal Homes: Caring for Caregivers Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Episcopal HomesTaking care of the people who take care of others.
raised by 0 people
$3,000 goal
Donations to the Episcopal Homes Caring for Caregivers fund provides an opportunity for dedicated hardworking staff to unlock their potential:
We offer frontline staff up to three years of $5,250-$10,000 annual scholarships to return to school for certifications, professional, or graduate degrees.
We provide up to $1,000 of emergency assistance once a year for frontline staff experiencing unexpected expenses.
Your support for the Caring for Caregivers program ensures that our staff are taken care of so that they can take care of others.
For more than 130 years, Episcopal Homes has been the Twin Cities mission-driven leader in enriching life and building community with older adults offering senior living and affordability in the heart of the Saint Paul. Episcopal Homes is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, an Equal Housing Opportunity Provider and an Equal Opportunity Employer.