Care for Caridad $10x12 Months
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Caridad IncCaridad needs your help to continue our work of ending homelessness. We need 500 supporters to commit to giving $10 a month for 12 months.
raised by 286 people
$60,000 goal
Hello Supporters,
The team at Caridad and myself have support for a new project and are excited to announce our first new goal of creating garden therapy. Caridad is going has taken over Freight Farm sponsored by Fergusons Downtown and partnering with Market in the Alley. The Freight Farm is currently located at 11th and Fremont in the northwest corner of the Bunkhouse property. The Freight Farm is a fully assembled, vertical hydroponic farming system built inside a 40-ft. shipping container. The project is called Caridad Gardens.
Caridad hires local formerly homeless Veterans in the downtown Las Vegas area to work in the farm. Assistant farmers are trained and receive certificates to learn the skills of farming. Caridad Gardens through our partnership with Anthem, Inc. provide free produce to local children and families in the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, produce grown will be sold within a two-mile radius of the farm to local bars and restaurants weekly. The sale of produce will allow the program to be self-sustaining.
Caridad needs your help and it can be done in as little as $10 per month. Would you commit to give $10 a month for 12 months to support the garden project? If you can’t give $10 could you help us get at least two people in your friend circle to sign up? Sign up today and it will not only will you help us continue our great work in Southern Nevada. But you will be included in updates and in some other new and exciting developments as we bring you along in the next part of Caridad’s journey. Please share any Caridad updates on your social media and help us spread the word!