826 MSP's 2020 Back to School Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

826 MSP
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Give to support young writers as we start the 20-21 school year with distance learning!


raised by 49 people

$10,000 goal

826 MSP is launching our annual Back to School campaign on our network's favorite holiday: 826 Day! Donate between now and October 1 to help us meet our goal of $10,000.

As you know, the start of the 20-21 school year will be like no other.  Donations made to this campaign will help us launch our 100% virtual and remote youth writing, tutoring, publishing, and leadership programs. Your support will help us facilitate distance learning for our in-school and out-of-school time programs. This includes individualized tutoring and writing support, ongoing check-ins with families, technology and materials access, and the social-emotional support and vibrant writing community which is always vital to our students but especially so during prolonged times of social distancing. Donations made to 826 MSP will also help us better serve educators and school partners through dynamic curriculum enhancements such as virtual author visits, book publishing projects, writing workshops, and more. 

Happy 826 Day and thank you for helping us make a strong start to the year!

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826 MSP

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