Braham 4-6th Grade Playground at the High School
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Braham Elementary Parent Organization$1,209
raised by 20 people
$25,000 goal
BEPO (Braham Elementary Parent Organization) is working along side the Braham Area Committee for Kids (BACK) to help fund and build an updated, modern playground at the Braham Area High School for our middle school students. With the recent move of 4th grade from the Elementary to the High School we feel that it is imperative to create a playground for our kids and community. Currently there is a small playground at this location but cannot support three grades in the space provided. Outdoor physical activity provided during recess helps kids become smarter, healthier and stronger. Our children deserve a safe and up-to-date playground to enjoy their recess on. Now, more than ever, a safe outdoor space is needed for our students. Outdoor play has been shown to decrease both stress and anxiety.
We have a current quote in the amount of $87,264.00 for equipment and installation and have secured $72,000 to date!
We are excited to be so close to our goal! Covid has created some challenges for our fall fundraising efforts and we are hoping now, more than ever, that we can count on your support!
Funds have been raised through BACK, BEPO, Walmart, the Grandy Lions, a Memorial Hospital Foundation Grant, an ECE Round-Up Grant & an Allina Health Charitable Contribution along with many generous donors.
We have an goal of August 2021 installation to be ready for the kids when they come back to school in the fall!
Research shows that when children have access to recess they gain many benefits which include: being less fidgety and more on task, have improved memory and focused attention, learn negotiation skills, exercise leadership, teach games, take turns and learn to resolve conflicts along with being more physically active before and after school. We want this new playground to be something that the kids and school district (located in Isanti County) can be proud of. We want to make students excited to be active and also provide a space where families in the community can spend a evening or have a picnic on a weekend or the summer. We want to provide a space that people can be proud of to have in their community.