Bluejacket Education Foundation
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Initiative Foundation and its Partner FundsOur mission: Increase opportunity for Cambridge-Isanti students. Visit
raised by 18 people
$15,000 goal
It's that time of year again! Give to the Max, Minnesota's giving holiday, is right around the corner, and early giving starts NOW! Every donation to BJEF made between now and 11:59pm on November 21, 2024 not only supports our local students, but also helps us unlock the BJEF Advisory Board dollar-for-dollar match for the first $7,500 in Give to the Max donations. But wait, there's more! Each donation we receive gives BJEF another Golden Ticket – a chance to win additional donations from the Bush Foundation’s $100,000 prize pool.
The vision of the Bluejacket Education Foundation is to build a sustainable funding source that supports the excellence of Cambridge-Isanti schools and students. Join us as we work to ensure that every student has a chance to reach their full potential!
Thank you! Part of your generous gift will be available immediately to support the operations of the Bluejacket Education Fund and part will be permanently invested to create a lasting legacy for the Bluejacket Education Fund.
Thinking of a larger donation or legacy gift? Send an email to or call (320) 632-9255 for one-on-one guidance to maximize the return on your investment.
Making your donation by check? Make checks payable to the Initiative Foundation, and mail to Initiative Foundation - 446122, P.O. Box 64182, St Paul, MN 55164-0182. Please note "Bluejacket Education Foundation" in the memo line.
Prefer to make monthly donations? Simply choose “Monthly Donation” instead of “One-Time Donation” before you choose your donation amount, and put your giving on autopilot.
A gift to Central Minnesota prosperity: Have you included the Initiative Foundation in your will to support community and economic prosperity in the region? Visit for a free estate-planning guide.
Start your own fund: Did you know you can create your own Initiative Foundation-hosted Partner Fund and support the causes you care about? Contact to learn more.
This fundraiser supports
The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds
Organized By Bluejacket Education Fund