Big Fish Lake Association Emergency Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds
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Our mission is to steadily improve the environmental state of Big Fish Lake in North Central, Minn.


raised by 2 people

$10,000 goal

10 months left

Your gift permanently supports our mission to steadily improve the environmental state of the Big Fish Lake by addressing water quality, helping stock gamefish, removing rough fish and maintaining ideal water levels. Thank you for helping preserve our lake for many years to come!

Whether boating, fishing, swimming, or just taking in the view – residents of Big Fish Lake have always enjoyed the benefits of its good quality water. It is one of the cleanest lakes in the North Central Minnesota ecosystem. With your help, we want to make sure it stays that way!

Since 1959, the Big Fish Lake Association has worked to steadily improve the environmental state of the lake by addressing water quality, helping stock game fish, removing rough fish and maintaining ideal water levels.

In 1998, the Big Fish Lake Association established the Big Fish Lake Legacy Fund to raise funds so the next generation will enjoy its treasures into the future.

Thank you! Your generous gift to the Big Fish Lake Association Emergency Fund will support the fund's long-term investment objectives and the immediate needs of programs and operations.

Thinking of a larger donation or legacy gift? Send an email to or call (320) 632-9255 for one-on-one guidance to maximize the return on your investment.

Making your donation by check? Make checks payable to the Initiative Foundation, and mail to Initiative Foundation - 446122, P.O. Box 64182, St Paul, MN 55164-0182. Please note "Big Fish Lake Association Emergency Fund" in the memo line. 

A gift to Central Minnesota prosperity: Have you included the Initiative Foundation in your will to support community and economic prosperity in the region? Visit for a free estate-planning guide.

Start your own fund: Did you know you can create your own Initiative Foundation-hosted Partner Fund and support the causes you care about? Contact to learn more.

This fundraiser supports

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The Initiative Foundation and its Partner Funds

Organized By Big Fish Lake Association Emergency Fund

Giving Activity


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