BareBones Puppet Extravaganza 2025
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Barebones ProductionsHelp us build a nest egg to produce our next community puppet event, the 2025 Extravaganza!
5 donors
raised $250
3,000 donor goal
For 31 seasons, BareBones has built an extraordinary extravaganza that unites and feeds our community, literally and metaphorically.
Our mission is "To bring art into community and community into art through movement, puppetry and spectacle performance, creative re-use, education, and collaboration." We've proven our dedication to this mission and look forward to continuing that work in the new year.
We have flourished these past three decades through the support of volunteers and partners. Over 200 volunteers were involved in creating the most recent performance over Halloween weekend, "When Calamity Strikes". We also rely heavily on other small businesses that donate resources to the cause and make the production possible.
Seeing our audience from the performers' point of view
We're grateful that ticket sales and donations to attend the annual performance cover much of our production costs. But living our mission brings some hard year-round expenses too like insurance, storage, web hosting and other operational costs.
This fundraiser will help to offset those recurring costs and help to build a nest egg so that we have a leg up on the 2025 Extravaganza.
You can help us get a head start on our next spectacle performance with your tax deductible contribution. As with our ticket sales, contributions are pay what you can. Every donation matters. And if you can't contribute, then perhaps you could share this fundraiser with a friend or coworker to help spread the word and expand our reach within the community.
BareBones is frugal and judicious in order to utilize resources as responsibly as possible, so rest assured your contribution will be put to good use!
Volunteers build puppets for 6 weeks
leading up to the performances.
To create our annual community experience, volunteers meet three to four days a week to build puppets, sets, and rehearse the show. We welcome volunteers of all ages and abilities to be involved. Each time folks gather, they're fed a nutritious meal at no charge. We do this out of a belief that sharing meals builds vital bonds between people, and as an act of support and grateful acknowledgement for their hard work.
We hope you agree that our mission makes a difference in the community. Please help us build another meaningful, inclusive, exciting extravaganza in 2025 by giving whatever feels comfortable for you.