Autism Mentorship Program (AMP)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Pillsbury United Communities

AMP pairs autistic youth and adults in meaningful 1-to-1 mentoring relationships.


raised by 44 people

$20,000 goal

An 8 year old boy spends recess alone because he doesn't know how to interact with his peers. He comes home, inconsolable. In tears, he tells his mother, "Nobody understands me – not even you – because your brain works different than mine”.

This was the spark that created the Autism Mentorship Program (AMP), a safe space where autistic youth can access true understanding from those who know what it’s like to grow up autistic in a neurotypical world.


In Minnesota, 1 in 34 children are identified as autistic – a total of more than 19,000 youth statewide.

Many of these young people experience bullying, isolation, and intense pressure to meet social expectations beyond their grasp. In addition, many of the supports that children receive start to decline during the transition to adulthood.

The statistics are sobering: 

  • By the time they reach adulthood, 80% of autistics experience low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. 
  • Young autistic adults are less likely to work than most other disability groups. 
  • Autistic suicide rates are nine times higher than in the general population. 


To help improve outcomes for autistic youth, the groundbreaking Autism Mentorship Program offers a vital resource that many autistic adults say was missing from their own lives – access to support from older autistics who’ve “been there”. AMP’s mission is to:

  • Provide autistic teens and young adults emotional support, a sense of identity and belonging, and help developing their strengths and advocating for their needs
  • Give autistic adults the opportunity to serve as role models and leaders in their community, share their unique insights and experiences, and empower autistic youth to feel successful and thrive

Designed and staffed by autistic adults and allies, AMP is the first program to exclusively engage autistic mentors to support autistic youth. Offering free weekly one-to-one mentorship sessions to Twin Cities youth, AMP harnesses the power of autistic mentors who can:

  • Provide understanding and insights that others can’t
  • Help raise mentees’ confidence and self-esteem
  • Offer support for school, work, and family issues
  • Instill pride in mentees’ autistic and cultural identities
  • Assist in the significant challenges of navigating an often confusing world


 We see success every day at AMP: 

  • D’Angelo is opening up to his mentor and taking on a new challenge by auditioning for the school play. 
  • Javier’s parents report that he is happier and more communicative with them and his sister.
  • Sarah is heading off to college feeling more prepared and less anxious.
  • Liam has more self confidence because he was able to help his mentee work through a difficult friendship issue.

AMP piloted its model with 7 high school students in 2018. Now serving 26 young people, this year we expanded the upper age limit we serve from 14 to 22 in order to provide much-needed and requested support in the transition years after high school. 

The communities we serve are diverse; many of our participants are LGBTQ+, and we are supporting more BIPOC participants every year.


While there is no shortage of qualified mentors, the population we serve requires more direct support than traditional mentoring programs, and is therefore more costly.

As you may know, the funding landscape for nonprofits is changing, with fewer dollars available to fund programs like ours. Meanwhile, the community’s need for our mentorship services far outstrips what our resources can supply. We are currently looking at a $20,000 income gap for next year’s program.


In order to keep our program free and accessible for all Twin Cities autistic youth and their families, our Give to the Max goal this year is to raise the additional $20,000 needed to run next year’s program. It’s ambitious, but with your help we can keep AMP going and growing!

  • Your contribution of $50 will pay for one mentorship session for 10 autistic young people.
  • Your contribution of $100 will support mentorship for one autistic young person for 6 months.
  • Your contribution of $250 will provide training and orientation to prepare all mentors, mentees and their families to get the most out of the program.
  • Any contribution, no matter its size will make a difference! 

Won’t you please make your tax-deductible contribution today? With your help, together we can ensure that autistic young people get the connection and support they need to help them thrive.

Thank you, from all of us at the Autism Mentorship Program!

NOTE: We are fiscally sponsored by Pillsbury United Communities, so when you donate, you will see "You are making a donation to Autism Mentorship Program (AMP) benefitting Pillsbury United Communities".

AMP logo original design by 2018 - 2021 AMP mentee Johnny Jimenez Lezama. 

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