Downtown Alexandria Public Outdoor AED Cabinets
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Advocates For HealthPublic Access to an AED &CPR can Save Lives. Provide access by installing an Outdoor AED Cabinet.
raised by 6 people
$60,000 goal
2 months left
A committee that consists of local individuals who live and work within Alexandria came together to discuss ways they can better Alexandria and remind both residents and tourists alike that we care about them and their health. Public-accessible AEDs are available in many communities nation-wide, and this committee wants the same for Alexandria. The committee has partnered with 'Advocates 4 Health' and 'Mid-Minnesota EMS Education' to make this happen. This is only the beginning!
An AED (Automated Electronic Defibrillator) used within 4-6 minutes can turn a survival rate to 75% during Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).
Heart attack, drowning, electrocution, and drug overdose all can result in your heart-stopping.
Action and Access anytime the heart stops can Save Lives. We encourage the public to know where the closest AED is located and to take action during a Sudden Cardiac Type Event.
Placing an AED in an Outdoor AED Smart Monitored Cabinet makes it available 24/7.
The AED is not just placed outside in any cabinet. Smart Monitored technology in the cabinet continuously monitors the AED's operation. This guarantees that everything with the AED works properly in the event of an emergency. When the Outdoor AED Cabinet door is opened pictures are taken and an alarm is sounded to alert other bystanders. A built-in SIM card contacts a call center that dispatches 911 when the AED is removed from the cabinet. The AED itself has a video screen and voice that walks the responder through the steps needed to be taken as soon as the on-button is pushed.
These Outdoor AED Cabinets will be placed outside at locations throughout downtown Alexandria, MN.
We encourage you to make a donation online or send a check to Advocates For Health at 4067 Pine Point Road Sartell MN 56377.
Please add a memo to checks “Alexandria AED Cabinet” and let us know if you want to be anonymous.