Share a Bench - Share a Memory

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Living Meadows at Luther Madelia
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Give a bench and you give a special moment to Living Meadows residents.


raised by 17 people

$10,000 goal

Living Meadow is blessed to be located in a beautiful small town setting with two large courtyards filled with flowers and a small garden for our residents, family and friends to enjoy.  These courtyards are the ultimate place to visit on a beautiful day.  Unfortunately the benches have become old and are no longer suitable for use by residents or visitors. 

Join us in giving to the MAX 2023 by giving a bench or a donation to be used towards the purchase of a bench.  Benches can also be given in Memory of a loved one.  When you give the gift of a bench you give a memory, a special moment or the ability to enjoy a beautiful day.     

Giving Activity


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